SCVN Friday Hike on Esperero Trail (February 17, 2017) — Image by kenne
A mostly cloudy morning with
sunlight breaking through
over the Tucson basin as we
begin our hike into the mountains
heading into rattlesnake canyon,
first hiking up, then down through
three canyons creating a
breathtaking rollercoaster hike.
Starting as on group, the pace
soon divides us into three groups
as hikers settle in on their own pace
created by elevation changes
and stopping to shed layers of clothing
as the temperatures increase
and the sun begins to break through
deep blue cracks in the desert sky.
— kenne
Filed under: Arizona, Capturing the Moment, Guided Hikes, Information, Naturalists, Poetry, Sabino Canyon Recreation Area, Sabino Canyon Volunteer Naturalists, SCVN Friday Hikes, Tucson Arizona Tagged: Esperero Trail, Hiking, Poetry, Rattlesnake Canyon, Sabino Canyon Recreation Area, Sabino Canyon Volunteers Naturalists, SCVN Friday Hikes